Parking by the house was once a common part of our housing estates. Although the parking lots (mostly) did not go anywhere, the number of cars has multiplied several times since their creation. Therefore, to rely on the fact that you will come home in the evening and park comfortably in the car park 'right in front of the gate' is almost a utopia in several cities.
You can look at some offers below or you can find all offers for parking here.
Bratislava, Gaštanový hájik
Bratislava, Račianska 1506/19
Košice, Komenského 69
Banská Bystrica, Bakossova ulica - PS č.94
Pezinok, Silvánová
Bratislava, Na križovatkách
Poprad, Ludvika Svobodu 7
Žilina, Holleho 38
Bratislava - Petržalka, Muchovo nám. 8
Trencin, I.Olbrachta 7585
Bratislava, Tomislava P. Kolakoviča 7
Senec, Vajanského 9
Bratislava, Údernicka 4/A
Šaštín-Stráže, M. R. Štefánika 162
Bratislava, Cyprichova 88
Pezinok, Šancova 6
Bratislava, Michala Bučiča 7476/1
Trenčín, Tramínová 2515/1D
Nitra, Pivovarská 3
Žilina, Dolné Rudiny 29
Bánovce nad Bebravou, Husitská
Žilina, Bratislavská 615/12
Bratislava, Na piesku 19
Bernolákovo, Dunajská 48
Nitra, Pri Kaštieli, Rezidencie G a F
Nitra, Pri kaštieli, rezidencie Kynek B a E
Žilina, Hollého 62/ Šoltésovej 10.
Žilina, Hollého 62/ Šoltésovej 10.
Trencin, Rulandska 4
Trencin, Rulandska 3
Bratislava, Ružinov, Ružinovská 4814/1
Bratislava, Michala Bučiča 1
Bratislava, Ondavska 5
Trenčín, Halalovka
Bratislava, Martina Granca 5
Prievidza, T. Vansovej č. 531/20
Bratislava, Ružinovská 40
Žilina, Hollého 38
Bratislava, Cyprichova 26
Bratislava, Cyprichova 26
nitra, nábrežie za hydrocentálou
Bratislava, Hany Ponickej
Bratislava, Trnavská cesta 39A
Trenčín, Bavlnárska 10
Trenčín, Bavlnarska 10
Senec - Gardens, Ružová
Bratislava, Plynárenská 2/B
Poprad, Suchoňova
Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Pri starej prachárni
Bratislava, Uzbecká
Bratislava, Kadnárova
Čadca, Žarec
Bratislava, Hradská
Bratislava, Ružinovská 1
Banská Bystrica, Bakossova 3
Košice, Bukovecka 18
Bratislava, Fialová 2C
Bratislava, Žltá 13
Žilina, Žilina
Bratislava, Hany Ponickej 20
Devínska Nová Ves, Bystrická
Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica, Ota Holúska 7D
Bratislava, Fialová 2C
Bratislava, Ivánska cesta 32
Bratislava, Ivánska cesta 32
Trenčín, Halalovka 7870/48E
Bratislava, Slnečnice
Senec, Dlhá
Bratislava, Agátová
Poprad, Ludvíka Svobodu 7
Trenčín, VInohrady
Bratislava, Junácka 8
Bratislava, Opletalova 94
Bratislava, Trnavská cesta 3011
Dunajská Lužná, Jarná
Bratislava IV - Devinska Nova Ves, Opletalova 88
Bratislava, Záhradnícka 95
Bratislava, Odborárska 3
Bratislava, Jégého 14
Bratislava, Bystricka 31
Piešťany, Mudroňova 25
Ružomberok, Mladežnicka 323
Trenčín, Legionárska
Trenčín, Halalovka
Bratislava, Záhradnícka 95
Bratislava, Hraničná
Žilina, Komenského 2620/52
Senec, SNP 39
Bratislava, Oriešková 7
Považská Bystrica, Mládežnícka 323
Bratislava, Budatínska 22
Bratislava, Závadská
Poprad, Továrenská štvrť
Čadca, Antona Bernoláka
Bratislava, Barónka 30
Trnava, Poštová 10/D
Bratislava, Opletalova 88
Bratislava, dborárska 1270/3
Trenčín, Legionárska 25
Sereď, SNP
If you do not have your own or at least a rented garage, the solution for you may be paid parking or outdoor parking in your area. Several car parks today offer short-term or long-term rental of parking spaces, so this can be the ideal solution if you do not want to circle around the apartment building every night and look for the 'last free spot'.
The undeniable advantage of your own parking space in the parking lot is the fact that you can park on it at any time and without any problems. And if it happens that someone 'accidentally' takes your place, as a tenant or landlord you have the full right to complain about his actions to the police or city police.
Although this type of parking will not protect you from the weather and the weather, but the certainty of a comfortable car park at all times is priceless. In addition, as the owner of such a parking space in the parking lot, you can easily 'lend' it to visitors or even neighbors when you go on holiday by car.